Save Energy, Save Money, period. Heating and Cooling Tips!

Save Energy, Save Money, period.  

Heating and Cooling Tips!

Whether you rent or you own your home, utilizing energy saving tips will also save you money.  Future generations, environmentalists: novice and advanced, and of course your pocket book will thank you.

HEATING and COOLING your home usually makes up about 48% of your utility bill, energy and dollar wise.   When HEATING and COOLING your home, one of the best, economical investments is a programmable thermostat.  Being able to set your thermostat accordingly for different times of the day will save you time, energy and money.  A good rule of thumb is to keep your thermostat as close to the outside temperature as possible since it takes less effort from your heating/cooling system to maintain the temperature.  Of course, the object of heating and cooling your home is to keep you and your family comfortable as well, so finding a balance to this rule of thumb is key.  Other great tips to save energy and money while using your heating and cooling system:

  • Lower your thermostat every time you leave the house.
  • Set your thermostat to 60 degrees during the winter if you are going on vacation.
  • Never turn your thermostat off. Raising or lowering the temperature too quickly uses too much energy therefore spikes your energy bill.
  • Change your filters every 30 to 45 days for maximum efficiency.
  • Properly maintain and upgrade your equipment as necessary. Select energy-efficient products when you buy new heating and cooling equipment.
  • Set your thermostat fan switch to “auto” to save energy. Leaving it in the “on” position keeps air running constantly. 

Of course, having and utilizing optimum heating and cooling equipment to the best of your ability is a great step forward in the balance of making your home comfortable and saving energy and money.  Looking at the whole house, though, including your habits will get you even further. 

In the colder months:

  • Covering all bare floors with area rugs will assist in retaining heat as well as adding extra comfort.
  • Close the flue in your fireplace when not in use and install glass doors to keep in the warm air.
  • Running portable heaters regularly can be very expensive.  Limit your use of portable heaters to only when needed to temporarily heat a small area.
  • Make sure your air vents, baseboard heaters and radiators are cleaned regularly and are not being blocked by curtains, rugs or furniture.
  • Leave window shades or blinds open during the daytime.
  • Consider using solar heat to supplement your normal heating source.
  • Run your ceiling fan on low speed in the clockwise direction.

In the warmer months:

  • Switch your ceiling fan to turn in a counter-clockwise direction. Install more ceiling fans if possible.  Utilizing your ceiling fan can make you feel 3 to 4 degrees cooler which is a big boost on your thermostat.
  • Keep your exterior windows and doors shut tightly so you are not trying to the cool the outdoors as well as your home.
  • Turn off kitchen and bath exhaust fans promptly after use.
  • Keep your shades and curtains closed as much as possible during the warmer months to block the heat from the sun.
  • Utilize trees, shrubs and awnings on the outside of the home to protect your home from unwanted solar heat.
  • Keep interior doors open so that cooled air flows freely throughout your home.
  • Decorate with light colored curtains during the warmer months which will allow for light to come through while still blocking some of the heat from the sun’s rays. 
  • Keep your HVAC clear of debris. Never stack or lean items on your air compressor.
  • Close unused air vents when running your central AC to prevent cooling and therefore paying to cool unused rooms.

Take it a step further by contacting your local energy company to complete an energy efficiency evaluation.  They can offer personalized tips to make your home more energy efficient such as attic insulation tips and checking for household leaks.  According to Energy.Gov, by combining proper equipment maintenance and upgrades with recommended insulation, air sealing, and thermostat settings, you can save about 30% on your energy bill while reducing environmental emissions.  The bottom line is by saving energy, you save money, period.

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Brought to you by Sondra Lockett-Cameron, Marketing Coordinator for TJC Real Estate and Management Services.

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  • Image courtesy of Danilo Rizzuti at


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